Privacy Policy

This Overall Privacy Statement discloses the privacy practices and principles for the entire Garage Sale Resource Website. We are committed to insuring your privacy. As a user of the Garage Sale Resource Website you are entitled to know:

  1. What information this site gathers/tracks about you
  2. What this site does with the information it gathers/tracks
  3. With whom this site shares the information it gathers/tracks
  4. Other information about your privacy at this site

Information this Site Gathers/Tracks

We collect aggregate information site-wide, including anonymous site stats. We also log domain names and/or IP addresses. While cookies may be used to keep track during use of certain features, we do not collect information from them. The Tribal Drums and Footprints sections display all user information entered in the associated input forms to future visitors of the site.

Use of the Information this Site Gathers/Tracks

We review and discard the information in some cases (e.g. IP address logs for file transfers), while in others we may use the information to generate anonymous statistics. We will use all information gathered and tracked at this site to investigate and prosecute any unauthorized use or modification of the website or the systems upon which it is hosted.

Sharing of the Information this Site Gathers/Tracks

No information will be shared except when needed to investigate and prosecute any unauthorized use or modification of the website or the systems upon which it is hosted.

Other Information About Your Privacy at this Site

This site strives to build user trust and confidence in electronic collaboration by protecting online privacy through the highest online industry and technological standards. Garage Sale Resource generally stores no information about its visitors, with the exceptions of basic logging for site stats (just machine addresses, not personal email addresses), and information provided by users who place entries in the Tribal Drums or the Footprints section. Under no circumstances does Garage Sale Resource compile "audit trails" of which users are browsing what pages, and under no circumstances will Garage Sale Resource sell, rent, loan or give personally identifiable user information to marketeers or other organizations. Garage Sale Resource does not make available personal information, such as contact information, even if it is already publicly available.